Format Conversion
Farohar File Format Conversion supports a large list of input and output files formats. This list will be constantly updated with new formats. If you think a specific file format is missing, please send us a note: we will do our best to integrate the format and make our Format Conversion Service even more complete.
Farohar Provides The Following Categories Of Format Conversion Services:
Document Formats | Video Formats |
Audio Formats | Image Formats |
Document Formats:
Supported Document Input Formats:
- .pdf Adobe PDF
- .doc Microsoft Word
- .docx Microsoft Word 2007/2010
- .odt Open Document Text file
- .sxw Open Office Writer
- .rtf Rich Text Format
- .ppt Microsoft PowerPoint
- .pptx Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010
- .odp Open Document Presentation
- .odc Open Document Chart Graphic
- .odi Open Document Image
- .sxi Open Office Impress
- .xls Microsoft Excel up to Office 2003 (.xls and .xla)
- .xslx Microsoft Excel 2007/2010
- .ods Open Document Spreadsheet
- .sxc Open Office 1.0 Spreadsheet
- .csv Comma separated file
Supported Document Out Formats:
- pdf Adobe PDF
- .doc Microsoft Word
- .docx Microsoft Word 2007/2010
- .odt Open Document Textfile
- .sxw Open Office Writer
- .rtf Rich Text Format
Video Formats:
Supported Video Input Formats:
- .mpeg MPEG videos with the file extensions *.mpe, *.mpg and *.mpeg
- .mp4 MPEG 4 format
- .qt Quicktime videos with the file extensions *.qt and *.mov
- .avi Microsoft AVI videos
- .wmv Windows Media Video 7 and 8
- .asf Microsoft Advanced Streaming Format with the file extensions *.asf and *.asx
- .ogv Ogg Theory videos
- .flv Flash videos
- .f4v MPEG 4 encoded Flash videos (Flash 10)
- .mkv Matroska videos
- .m2ts AVCHD or Blue-Ray video tracks (extensions *.mts and *.m2ts)
- .vob MPEG encoded video tracks from DVDs
- .fli FLIC videos
- .movie SGI-Movie videos
- .dl DL Animation format
- .gl GL Animation format
Farohar File Format Conversion supports all relevant codec’s (e.g. mpeg1, mpeg2, DivX, Xvid, HDX4, H.264, Nero Digital) as well as all video sizes (e.g. full HD 1080p) and refresh rates (e.g. 24p).
Supported Video Out Formats:
- .mpeg MPEG videos with the file extensions *.mpe, *.mpg and *.mpeg
- .mp4 MPEG 4 format
- .flv Flash Videos
Audio Formats:
Supported Audio Input Formats:
- .wav Wave audio files
- .mp3 MP3 audio files
- .mp2 MPEG audio files with the extensions *.mp2, *.mpga and *.ape
- .midi MIDI audio files with the extensions *.mid, *.midi and *.kar (karaoke files)
- .snd Raw audio files
- .wma Windows Media audio files
- .m4a MPEG 4 audio files
- .aac MPEG 4 audio stream
- .ac3 Dolby Digital audio files
- .aif Apple Audio Interchange files with the extensions *.aif, *.aifc and *.aiff
- .flac Free Lossless audio files
- .ra Real audio with the extensions *.ra and *.ram
- .oga Ogg Vorbis audio files with the extensions *.ogg, *.oga and *.spx
- .mka Matroska audio files
Supported Audio Out Formats:
- .wav Wave audio files
- .mp3 MP3 audio files
Image Formats:
Supported Image Input Formats:
- .jpeg JPEG graphics with the file extensions *.jpeg, *.jpg and *.jpe
- .gif GIF graphics with or without transparency. For animated GIFs, the first frame will be displayed.
- .png PNG graphics with a color depth of 8 or 24 bit including transparency
- .tiff TIFF graphics with the file extensions *.tif or *.tiff
- .bmp Windows Bitmap graphics
- .wmf Windows Metafile graphics
- .ai Adobe Illustrator vector graphics
- .eps Encapsulated post script vector graphics
- .ps Post script files
- .psd Adobe Photoshop graphics
- .tga Targa graphics
- .pcx Zsoft paintbrush graphics
- .pct Mac Pictures graphics
Supported Image Out Formats:
- .jpg JPEG graphics
- .png PNG graphics
- .gif GIF graphics
Requirement For Farohar's File Format Conversion Services:
- If you are a provider of storage, backup or long-term archiving services or simply an organization like most that uses IT and software systems in some degree to enhance your business competitiveness?
Have you ever wondered how your customers can access various file formats without having expensive software installed on their computers? - Do you desire to have your IT content and data compatible with most commonly used editors/viewers?
- Is future-proofing your IT content and data an important business objective to your organization?
- Farohar File Format Conversion Services helps convert your files to open standards – no need to waste a thought on software.
Generic Process:
ISO 9000, ISO 27000, TMSA, ISM Code, PMP Standards compliant procedures, security, quality assurance and project management at ALL stages of every project

Content Management And File Sharing:
You intend to stream movies of different formats to mobile devices? You want to scale and optimize images to be used in your website? Or do you even plan to make any office document accessible through a web browser? Farohar File Format Conversion Service converts and optimizes your content to be delivered through different channels to your customers, without the need to worry about file format, compatibility and size. Our transcoding services are able to convert any file to any desired output format that fits your needs. Farohar also offers “Best In Class” data and content conversion and compatibility solutions regardless of whether it is for existing or new data.
- Clear, transparent pricing structure
- Convenient, itemized tabular format covering rates for generic, partial and incremental volumes of data
- Easy to estimate project cost with reasonable ease and accuracy prior to project commencement
- Very competitive pricing with attractive volume discount and referral incentives
- Contact us for further details