Search Engine Marketing & Promotion

You’ve heard all about search engine optimization and how critical it is to the ongoing success of your web site.But what most businesses do not think much about, though, is the vital role that search engine marketing and promotion can play in success as well.Many people do not fully understand what search engine marketing is (and is not) and so therefore do not fully grasp just how powerful it can be as an ongoing web site tool.

What is search engine marketing and promotion?

By now you’re very familiar with search engine optimization, or the process of optimizing your web site to attain the best and highest search engine rankings on the major search engines. But what about search engine marketing and promotion? What, exactly, is it and how can it help your web site be more successful? The basic difference between search engine optimization and search engine marketing is the “paid” factor. While you can use a variety of techniques to maximize SEO for your web site so it gets noticed by search engine spiders and ranked highly, this approach takes a bit of time. It takes a little longer to achieve top search engine rankings because you are depending for most part on the search engines themselves to find and rank your web site (although you do what you can to help this process along).

Search engine marketing (SEM), on the other hand, is a much more proactive technique for getting your web site the best placement possible on the major search engines. This is done primarily through the use of paid tactics and techniques, especially the use of pay per click advertising.When SEM is done properly your pay per click advertising is targeted, focused, and generates a solid return on the money you invest in it.

The key to successful search engine marketing and promotion is to get the expert advice and help you need to choose the right mix of keywords and other elements used in pay per click advertising. If you choose the wrong keywords, for instance, or pay too much for placement then you can quickly end up with very high costs and very low results. This is where it pays to invest in professional help to ensure you maximize results while minimizing costs.

Expert guidance to make the most of search engine marketing

Many online business owners make the mistake of trying to handle their search engine optimization and search engine marketing strategies on their own, and while this might seem like a good cost-saving measure in the end it often creates much higher overall costs. Why? Because while creating pay per click advertising might seem easy, it actually takes a great deal of research and analysis to do it correctly. This is where a professional SEO/SEM company can show you exactly how to find the right keywords, test which ones are likely to be most effective, and cost-effectively position pay per click ads to maximize results and minimize costs.

Farohar is an industry leader in SEO/SEM services thanks to its staff of highly skilled SEO professionals. You are assured of receiving the highest levels of quality and customer service across all aspects of maximizing web site performance, including:

  • Research and development of custom pay per click campaigns
  • Optimization using social media and social bookmarking
  • Advanced SEO/SEM strategies and techniques
  • Full service link building campaigns
  • Fully hosted marketing pages
  • Directory submission services
  • Reputation management services

For more information about how we can help your business succeed please contact us at Farohar.

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